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Minor Characters

Damien turnaround
Damien works in accounting, but more importantly, he's Zatin's oldest friend (if not the only person he can truly call a friend). Normally in the form of a tall, lanky, purple-haired man, Damien also has the ability to take the form of a serpent. One would guess he's the serpent from one of man's first tales...

Damien expressions
While still having some friends somehow, Damien is normally sly and manipulative. He is very expressive in getting what he wants, both through words and gestures. However, those who know him well, say his expression is very cute when he becomes flustered (usually from flirting with his coworkers).

Vincent turnaround
Vincent is the newest hire of the team, right before Mikheal shows up. He's a vampire working in public relations, but while his manners at work are suave and professional, his eating habits are far from it. He also has very eloquent rose tattoos cascading down his neck to his chest.

Vincent expressions
Being in public relations, he is a very socialable and charismatic person, though that doesn't stop him from teasing the newest new guy to the office. While normally able to contain his hunger like a normal person, watch out for when he gets really hungry...he'll easily show just how ravenous he is.

Edgar turnaround
Edgar is the IT demon (specifically a succubus) of the office. He walks with confidence in his skills and his self-esteem. He has also found himself becoming friends (with benefits) with Vincent and Damien, but is there a chance for more...?

Edgar expressions
Edgar is confident and flirtatious, and he's not afraid to show it. After all, it's in his nature. He is also smarter than others give him credit for, which together combined, can make him a great ally or a dangerous enemy.
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